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ATAC Indoor Swim training | Monday | 17 March - 12 May 2025

Online Shop

If you’re interested in a piece of clothing or any other item that we don’t have currently available - drop a line to so we can inform you about the restocking plans.

ATAC Indoor Swim training | Monday | 17 March - 12 May 2025

ATAC Indoor Swim training | Monday | 17 March - 12 May 2025


ATAC members with a ticket only. If you're not a member but would like to join, first please become a member via the website.

Location: Sportfondsenbad Amsterdam-Oost
Day: Monday
Time: 21:00 - 22:00
These sessions will be guided by a club member.

Bringing your own equipment is necessary for properly following the training plan:

  • Fins

  • Snorkel

  • Handle Paddles

  • Pull buoy

Below are some links for where to buy, or feel free to ask on our Whatsapp Groups.

To guarantee the best experience for the members, only 30 spots are available!
Lanes will be divided by swim capability by levels.


  • Free style skill and the ability of 250 meter non-stop swimming is required.

  • If you find you are swimming faster than others please move up a lane. If you are swimming slower please move down a lane, adapting accordingly.

  • Once you’ve received your ATAC swim-cap please wear this. You can ask Emma or someone else in the leadership team for a cap at one of the sessions.

You can swap individual sessions with another ATAC member in case you can't make it. You can arrange it yourself (via the Whatsapp group to find a substitute swimmer). Please ensure you’ve got a ticket before joining the session. This enables us to keep the capacity to 30.

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About the Training

This session will be guided by an ATAC club member.

Where to get your Swim Equipment:

Athlete Sports Worlds

Please see our Partner Page for more information about Athlete Sports World
