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Mallorca 2025 FAQs


Still got questions?

When can I secure my spot?

Spots will be released on the web shop at 11:00 on 8th November 2024. Camp usually sells out within an hour.

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What is the total cost of the camp?

You can expect the camp to cost you around EUR 1,100 for accommodation, flights and bike rental.
The actual costs will very much depend on the option you choose for your accommodation, which bike you choose etc. However, this can be used as a guide, if you are sharing a room with someone, rent a decent bike with electronic shifting and fly with your club mates on EasyJet

This includes your breakfast, dinner and some drinks, support vehicle for tough days on the bike, swimming pool and a whole lot of memories that money just can’t buy! ☀️

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When do I need to pay?

You will pay EUR 200 to secure your spot. The remaining amount for your selected accommodation will be paid by the end of January.

If you do not pay this balance, your place will automatically be cancelled and no deposit will be returned. So, if you are sharing with someone, you can expect your payment to be EUR 200 paid on 8th November to secure your spot, and the balance (approx EUR 400-500) payable by the end of January.

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What method can I use to pay and how do I pay?

To secure your spot when spaces are released, you will be able to pay via iDeal only. Credit-cards are not supported.

If you can not pay through iDeal, then please find someone who can do it for you, so that you do not miss out on a spot because you can not pay.

For the remaining balance, we will contact you well ahead of time to remind you and give further instructions on how to pay.

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Is there a waiting list?

Yes. If you were unfortunate enough not to get a spot to the hottest-gig-in-triathlon-town…. we have a waiting list. You can add your details by clicking here.

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I’m not a member, can I come?

No. It’s a perk of being a member. If you’re not a member, then don’t try. Checks will be done.

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Can I just book my own room direct with the hotel?

While we can’t stop you doing this, we will ignore you every second of every day, and you will be made to wear a bright yellow sweater 😊.

On a serious note, please don’t do this. You will not be making friends, be able to take advantage of the rates we get, the transport we arrange to/from airport, the support vehicles etc.

We choose the number of spaces we have based on what we think we, as a club, can manage safely and to provide everyone with a great experience.

Be quick to get a spot, or get yourself on the waiting list. There are often people have to cancel and spots do become available between now and the start of camp.

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Why did you change hotels?

We thought long and hard about this, we have spent many years at the previous hotel - with some great memories. However - we see increasingly that the costs were rising significantly, year-on-year, and so we wanted to find a solution that provides the best value for money to our members. Viva Blue Hotel & Spa offers that. So we decided to give it a try!

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I can’t commit to it right now, but I think I want to come

Sorry. Not our problem unfortunately. Whether you decide to come or not, we are still liable to pay for rooms. So we need you to commit, and to pay. If you can’t do that right now, sorry, you can’t secure a spot.

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I want to share a room, but I don’t have anyone to share with

After booking you will receive a questionnaire. In that questionnaire you can let us know that you want to share but have no one to share with. We will then match you with someone.

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When should I book my flight?

Once you have secured your spot by paying a deposit, we advise you to book your flight shortly after.

Note: If you are taking your own bike, it is advisable to book this also at this point, the airlines do not have unlimited space for bikes. Please also note that we are not responsible for your flight, even if the camp is cancelled, we can not be held liable for these costs. Booking is at your own risk. We are a volunteer-led club, not a travel agency 😊.

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I’ll be on a different flight, what now?

Of course, you can come on your own flight. But you will need to make your own way to the hotel, at your own cost.

And yes - that includes return flights too.

For info, a taxi is around EUR 80-90.

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Will you provide a training plan

We will provide a full schedule, including swim sessions, riding groups and routes, as well as suggested run activities however, you are responsible for your own camp. You can decide what group is best, what sessions suit and what you’d like to participate in. We do however, encourage everyone to take part in the end-of-camp-fun-mini-triathlon. If you don’t - you need to pay for a round of drinks! really! 🍻

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Why are swimming sessions in the late afternoon and not morning?

Multiple reasons:

  • We have changed venue. We are the new kids in town! This is a larger resort (with a larger pool) but this also means that we have to share (sharing is caring, right?). Mornings were not available, so this is the slots that we have chosen. In reality, there will likely be some spaces for those must-swim-early-morning-swimmers… but we can’t guarantee this

  • We noticed that the early-morning swim had a big drop-off after the first two days, while almost everybody was around the pool in the afternoon

  • The morning swims were also cancelled for the Wednesday and Friday, since we leave early on those days.

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Can I bring my own bike?

Yes, there is limited space usually with airlines and also with our transport. So if you want to do this, we advise to book early.

Don’t want to? You can rent a bike, less than 30 seconds walk from the hotel.

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I need to cancel my spot

We understand that plans change however, we are also just a triathlon club. We do not have the finances to pay for everyone's changing plans, and we have to make large commitments with the hotel. So, unfortunately any money you have paid is not refundable if you need to cancel. If you do need to cancel, please contact us so we can see about allocating your spot to the next person on the waiting list and facilitate a name change with the hotel.

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What about laundry, will the hotel wash my clothes?

There are two laundry options available - both of which have a cost associated:

  1. The hotel has two washing machines and two dryers. These cost approx. 4 euros per use and soap is included.

  2. Option two is an external laundry service. For a bag of up to 5kg. This service returns clothes after 24 hours (except weekends) and costs approx. EUR 17 per bag.

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