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Committee and helper roles

Leadership committee

The club has a Leadership committee (often referred to as Leadership Team) which is responsible for the day to day decision making and running of the club. Meeting regularly to discuss club matters, and voting on key decisions. Roles in the Leadership committee are voted each year, in line with the club’s constitution.

The committee tries to meet eight time per year. Don’t worry if you can not make every single meeting, you will always have the opportunity to input and feedback on important topics, even if you can not make the odd meeting.

Working groups

The club also has working groups. These form and evolve based on the club’s needs and activities. For example, the merchandise or IT working group. You don’t need to be elected to contribute—just bring your time, skills, and enthusiasm!

Below you can find the relevant information for each role, including expectations of the role along with the expected time commitment.

If you want to download all roles at once - you can do that by clicking here.

Official Leadership Committee roles




Membership director

Triathlon director

Social director

Communications director

Cycling director

IT director

Run director

Swim director


IT helper

Teams coordinator

Merchandise lead

Merchandise helper

Nutrition lead