006 - Top gear
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just gone and Christmas on the way, this month's episode dives into the potentially pricey world of triathlon gear. We look at swim-bike-run essentials, and separate the nice-to-haves from the must-haves. ATAC member Brian Goode joins us to share his triathlon journey and explain his approach to buying new gear. Plus, there's the usual news and rants, some additional beard chat and a top new jingle!
Snap up ATAC swim sessions here: https://www.atac-club.nl/swimming-sessions
We're all fans of TrainerRoad for turbo trainer sessions and group sessions: https://www.trainerroad.com/
The movie Matt is watching: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5433114/
The book Neil is reading: https://amzn.to/3of5F4O
The book Brian recommends: https://cutt.ly/5hv5LXq
To have your bike taken to your next event: https://www.enselle.co/
To have a top personal trainer or biomechanics coach: https://wilsonsworkouts.nl/
Top running coaching courtesy of: https://www.luismonteirorunningcoach.com/
Find non-Ironman branded 70.3 and full IM events at: https://www.k226.com/events/events.aspx
The non-branded race Neil mentioned: https://nxtri.com/