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2023 Time Trial Championship

Welcome to the 2023 ATAC Time Trial Championship.

Saturday July 08, 2023

Wheelerplanet in Spaarnwoude.
3.3km closed track.

There will be 3 different races:
- Individual (€ 7,50 per person)
- Team (€ 10 per team)
- Mixed Team (€ 10 per team)
You can sign up for as many as you want!

For maximum performance and recovery: we will have a picnic with food and drinks! Family and friends are welcome!

Make sure to sign up on meetup as well!

Rules and regulations:

- Have Fun.
- All bike types allowed.
- Rolling start so the track is not overcrowded.
- Helmet is mandatory.
- Race under your own responsibility.
- You have to be a member of ATAC, so if you’re casually browsing this page and think this looks awesome: join us first ;-)

Food and drinks will be provided.
Family and Friends are welcome to come, cheer and enjoy the refreshments!

The 3 races:

Individual Time Trial: 4 laps - 13.2KM

  • Women: up to 24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55 and up

  • Men: up to 24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55 and up

Team Time Trial: 4 laps - 13.2km, Teams of 4

  • Women (all ages)

  • Men (all ages)

Mixed Team Time Trial: 4 laps - 13.2km, Teams of 4

  • all ages, at least 1 male and 1 female