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ATAC Kit - tri included

We have both ATAC cycling and triathlon kit and we order this once or twice a year from our manufacturer.

Triathlon Kit

We're finally ready for yet another order of ATAC's tri suits. These come with your name all over it... literally!

This will be the only time the Tri suits will be available this season. So if you are planning to race this year with a brand new shiny ATAC tri suit, this is your chance to get one. You must have one to race in the ATAC TRI or RBR teams (event organizers requirements)

To buy one. 

  1. Go to:
  2. Pick ATAC from the list of clubs
  3. Log-in with the password: atac2017
  4. Cost:  €104.95

The suit is a one piece Lycra Elite with a front zip and pockets on the back.

With the suit, you can join the competition TRI and RBR racing teams and get discounts at specific ATAC paid events.

Try-on samples: We are waiting to receive the sample suits so that you can try them. These will be made available for fitting in the upcoming running and swim sessions.

The shop is open until the 9th of February (7am), after that the shop closes and the orders will go into production.

Please email any questions.